Thank you to our student employees and their supervisors

As National Student Employment Week comes to a close, we reflect on the work of our student employees and their supervisors and want to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU. MSUM could not be a thriving university without your work and we are abundantly grateful for all you do.

Here’s a glimpse at the impact of student employment at MSUM:

    Students at MSUM fill over 650 jobs on campus
    Over 40 professional staff supervise student employees, many supporting over 20 students a year
    Over 50 departments across campus employ students
    Student employees hold positions ranging from graduate assistants, marketing specialists, event planners, lifeguards, tour guides, mentors, teachers, office assistants, tutors, and more

In addition to student employees and supervisors, we also want to thank other supporters including Jessie Swedberg in the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship for her role with Work Study and Amber Nelson in Business Services for her work with paperwork and payroll.

Please, join us in thanking all those who play a part in student employment at MSUM.