Nominate your student employee(s) for Student Employee of the Year

Please join the MSUM Career Development Center in recognizing the outstanding contributions and achievements of MSUM student employees. Supervisors are encouraged to nominate undergraduate or graduate student employees who have shown exemplary commitment and initiative in their work. Click here to submit your nomination(s).  The deadline to submit your nomination(s) is Monday, March 20, 2023, at 4:30 pm. In order […]

State Retirement Seminar – March 22 & 23

The State Retirement Seminar – for those within five years of retirement Course Code: G10ETD365T This seminar is designed for state employees within five years of retirement and for those who advise potential retirees. Many factors can help ensure a successful retirement. At this seminar we will provide you with information on how your pension and social security benefits are […]

University of Agder study exchange opportunities

Alison Wallace, Biosciences and Sustainability, and Steve Lindaas, Physics and Astronomy and Sustainability, visited the University of Agder (UiA) in Kristiansand, Norway last week. They met with prospective Norwegian education students and faculty in Biology to talk about opportunities for MSUM students to take unique courses like marine biology and sustainability courses. They also sat in on a class in […]

Call for Volunteers: Humanities Marilyn Hudson Brave Conversations Project

Jed Locquiao (Assistant Professor, School of Teaching and Learning) is serving on the Humanities ND Marilyn Hudson Brave Conversations Project community advisory committee for Fargo and is looking for people to join the effort. The Brave Conversations Project builds community through conversation. Today’s leading thinkers take center stage, offering a thought-provoking presentation followed by authentic, moderator-led discussion in small groups. […]