Faculty and students participate in Physics Teacher mentoring workshop

The GO4ST8 Physics is a state-wide organization that works to mentor physics educators across the region.  GO4ST8 Physics holds Saturday workshops every other month during the academic year. Since the pandemic the MSUM Dept. of Physics and Astronomy has facilitated expanding these workshops virtually with in-person satellite sites in MN and SD. This month’s session focused on a make-take-do activity […]

Drs. Tracy Wright and Ximena Suárez-Sousa conduct a study to explore post-pandemic quality of work life in higher education

COVID-19 disrupted the work lives of higher education employees and helped to introduce, and temporarily normalize, remote working conditions for faculty and staff.  MSUM faculty, Drs. Tracy Wright and Ximena Suárez-Sousa, are conducting a study to explore post-pandemic quality of work life among higher-education employees. The study hopes to unveil on-campus versus remote work infrastructure, productivity, experiences, preferences, and personality impacts. MSUM […]

Faculty and staff attend MnEEP Regional Convening

The Minnesota Education Equity Partnership (MnEEP) Regional Convening was held last week at Concordia College. Faculty and staff from MSUM that attended included Nandita Bezbaruah, Social Work; Keri DeSutter, Special Education; Caitlin Johnson,  Leadership and Learning; Steve Lindaas, Physics and Astronomy and Zinnia Marquette, Office of Diversity and Inclusion.  MnEEP works across the state with communities and people interested in and or […]

Share your feedback on MSUM’s campus climate

Watch for your survey invitation Wednesday, March 22 at 8 a.m.  MSUM is excited to participate in the 2022-2023 Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey to learn how students feel about our campus climate. All currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students will be asked to complete the survey. Responses are anonymous.  What will you be asked? YOUR….  How can you participate?  What […]