Required Annual Training – Due 11/24/2023

Required Annual Training

All employees are expected to complete the training by: November 24, 2023. Please complete all modules assigned during scheduled work hours. To access your assigned training log in to the State of Minnesota Self Service Portal Sign-in using your eight-digit Employee State ID Number and password (the ID number you use for paycheck and insurance information).

Computer Room Availability – Library (LI) 208

Every year for the required annual training, HR sets aside time in an available computer room for employees to use if they need access to a computer or a quiet place to get the training completed by the deadline. This year we have reserved LI 208, a computer classroom in the library for the following dates and times:

    November 7 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
    November 15 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
    November 22 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM