Tami, Ruth, Arlo, Elizabeth & Quinn are this week’s diversity and equity survey winners

Take the campus climate diversity and equity survey

Congrats to this week’s $50 VISA gift card winners for taking the student diversity and equity campus climate survey! Winners are Tami Albert, Ruth LangfordArlo DeCamp Elizabeth Rosson and Quinn Carter.

We’re about three-fourths of the way through our survey period and would be thrilled to get another 200 submissions.  

This is the first time MSUM has participated in this survey. It’s a valuable tool for the university to understand students’ perceptions of campus climate, diversity efforts and discrimination/harassment at MSUM.

Take the student survey: https://heds.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bsIso2mLAEAtLzU

We will draw winners again Friday, April 14.