EAB State of the Sector-Enrollment Webinar Recording

MSUM recently hosted a State of the Sector-Enrollment webinar presented by Savon Sampson, Senior Director, Strategic Research, EAB-Education Advisory Board.

If you missed this opportunity and would like to learn more about enrollment and trends impacting our planning and strategy, please log in now.  Here’s the link to the recording and passcode: https://eab.zoom.us/rec/share/h9bnIsq8lzcfB_HbPStS3uXl-x7f0pcRdwb-EwKnt3_6FkJM7hQ5LrYne2-gEpz4.22aXdGyhFlqWsVAK

Passcode: EL0=.r=I

This is one part of the data and research we are using to continuously plan in Strategic Enrollment Management Committee, WiG Enrollment and Equity and in key departments working on enrollment daily.

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