Nominations for Speak Up 2023 are Open!

Challenge is something that everyone experiences, but the ways we react are unique. How do you view a challenge? Can you think of a time when you faced adversity and looked at it from a different perspective?

We encourage you to speak up and share your story!

MSUM will host the 5th annual Speak Up on February 21, 2023. The 2023 theme is “Re-frame.” This theme is all about perspectives and changing the way we view things. Looking at something differently can make all the difference, and nobody looks at things the same way as someone else!

Everyone has a story to share. Speak Up is a student-created event that gives MSUM students, faculty, and community members a place to talk about their experiences. During the event, six to eight speakers will give 10-minute talks related to re-framing.

Does this sound like you? We want to hear your voice. Take five minutes to fill out the application form and tell us about your idea! If you know a student or staff member who would give a great talk, fill out the nomination form and let us know!

Nomination Form

Application Form