Looking for student employees? Register for this event!

The 2022 On-Campus Job Fair is scheduled for September 7 from 11 am to 1 pm on the campus mall – the rain site will be the CMU Ballroom.

To participate, you must register on Handshake by clicking here. This event is for any department looking to hire student employees at the time of the event, or in the future.

There is no charge to participate.

Each registered department will receive one 6-foot table and two chairs. We will not provide table blankets.

Feel free to bring food, giveaways, or other items to hand out. Please note that any food given out needs to be prepared in a commercially licensed kitchen or be store-bought items that require no preparation such as wrapped candy, packaged chips, packaged cookies, etc…

To view instructions on how to register for fairs on Handshake, please view this article. Have questions? Contact Sam at Samantha.gust@mnstate.edu.