Masking reminder: Wear a well-fitting, high-quality mask

As you are aware, COVID-19 continues to increase with the Omicron and Delta Variants. Per MSUM policy, masking is required indoors to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. MSUM does not specify which mask you wear but strongly recommends following Minnesota Department of Health recommendations:  

  • Wear a high-quality mask such as an N95 or KN95, or
  • Wear a well-fitted cloth or disposable mask with at least two layers. 

The three-layer disposable masks at most campus building entrances meet the recommendations of the Minnesota Department of Health.  

Wearing a mask properly is also necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19. A mask must cover the nose and mouth completely and fit snugly against your face without gaps. Wearing a mask and following other public health recommendations (such as distancing when possible, washing hands, etc. ) can provide extra layers of protection against getting and spreading COVID-19.  

All campus community members are expected to comply with face-covering requirements. If you are concerned about wearing a face covering on the basis of your disability, please consider the use of a clear mask or another option that offers a different design and promotes effective ease of use. If you do not believe any face-covering option will work for you based upon your disability, please contact Accessibility Resources to discuss potential accommodation.  

Please continue to be diligent in wearing your mask on campus, wearing a well-fitting mask with two or more layers, and wearing them properly covering your nose and mouth.  

Thank you for joining the campus community in our efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  

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