Wild Inspired App Launch at Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge June 13
Please join faculty of Minnesota State University Moorhead and staff at Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge in the launch of our project, Wild Inspired. This event will take place on Sunday, June 13, from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Visitors of the refuge will be instructed how to download the new “Wild Inspired” App, in Android or Apple formats for smartphones. Visitors will then be able to take in the refuge’s inspirational beauty and create a poem or short narrative, compose music, or visual artwork, and upload it to our digital map to share. There will be giveaways at the refuge while supplies last. This project is made possible through a Minnesota Innovation Grant by the Minnesota State Higher Education System Office. The Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge is located at 35704 County HWY 26, Rochert, Minnesota 56578, 18 miles northeast of Detroit Lakes or 25 miles west of Park Rapids.
For more information, contact Kevin Zepper, project co-coordinator at zepper@mnstate.edu. Or, The Tamarac Wildlife Refuge — Phone: 218-847-2641, Email: Tamarac@fws.gov.

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