Invitation to Join SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) Seminars 2020-2021

Please consider participating in a series of 9 monthly SEED seminars over the course of the 2020-2021 academic year (our first session is in late September). SEED seminars provide a safe and nurturing space for exploring identities and educational experiences through a structured study group format. In the words of co-founders Peggy McIntosh and Emily Styles, SEED seminars are designed […]

Schedule Library Instruction for Fall 2020

The MSUM Livingston Lord Library is committed to offering appropriate learning opportunities for students in your courses. If your course has assignment(s) that will use the library’s resources and require research, source attribution, etc., we can offer the following options. Please contact the librarian liaison assigned to your area at your earliest convenience to discuss if any of these options […]

2020-2021 Parking Permits

Register now for 2020-21 parking permits at Online pre-registration is required every academic year All reserved lot permit holders should follow the directions sent via email back in July. NEW – All those wishing to pay via payroll deduction need to email the Parking Office after registering to supply the University Post Office Box #/Department/Office location for the permit […]

Bookstore pausing paper deliveries Aug. 18 – Sept. 8

Due to the expected increase in student and family needs in the Bookstore as we get closer to classes beginning, we will be pausing paper deliveries around campus beginning August 18 — the Tuesday the week before classes start — and continuing through the second week of classes. You will still be able to receive paper during this time, but […]

Dragons Care Plan Update: August 31, 2020

Dear MSUM Students, We are starting our second week of classes for Fall 2020 and it has been wonderful to see students on campus. You are doing the important work of helping to keep our Dragon Family safe by wearing masks, maintaining physical distancing, and washing your hands. Thank you! Today’s communication provides some important information about resources for you: 1)      Student […]