Pass/Fail Form Available to Change Grading Method for Spring 2020

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, MSUM has adopted a temporary Pass/Fail (P/F) grading option for Spring 2020 only. We understand the situation has had profound impacts on the way we live & learn, and we want our students to be academically successful. Students should carefully consider whether to use the (P/F) grading option and be advised to connect with their Academic Advisor before making any final decisions.

Undergraduate students will be able to decide whether to change their letter grade to a P/F grade up to 4:00 pm Monday, May 25, after their grades for the spring semester have posted. Graduate students are not eligible to change their letter grades to P/F due to program accreditation and/or licensing requirements.

Faculty will be assigning grades up until May 15. We recommend you wait until your letter grade is posted to determine whether or not to change to the pass/fail grading method for a course(s).

The online submissable form is now available. This will need to be completed if you wish to change a course(s) to the pass/fail grading option.
The form can be found at The form is under the “General” category, item #1, along with detailed instructions on how to complete the form.

Please feel free to contact the Registrar’s Office with questions at