Womxn of Color Entrepreneurs: How to Use Social Media to Grow Your Brand by Gloria Lucas
Wednesday, Oct. 16 | 3-5 p.m. | CMU 105
Join the founder Nalgona Positivity Pride for a presentation on harnessing the power of social media for entrepreneurs! Participants in this workshop will be able to define their brand and discover effective methods of using their brand and growing their social media following. Founder Gloria Lucas will also share the beginning of Nalgona Positivity Pride (NPP) and how the Riot Grrrl movement as well as the D.I.Y punk subculture helped create NPP. Participants will learn the different ways NPP has been able to use digital spaces to grow into a 100,000-plus social media platform. Participants will leave with a workbook and NPP’s secret tools for success.
The workshop will meet in CMU 105. While this workshop focuses on the perspective of womxn* of color, all are welcome to attend.
*womxn – a queer, inclusive term, often used to denote all women, both cis- and trans-women, together.
Gloria Lucas is a Xicana womxn from Southern California and the founder of Nalgona Positivity Pride. Straight from the Inland Empire, the DIY punk community in Riverside taught her to organize and since the age of 18 she has helped create Ladyfest IE, IE Riot Grrrls, and Women of Color for Decolonization. Gloria has a background in sexual health education, HIV/AIDS services, and trauma & substance abuse services for women and transgender folks. In 2014, she founded Nalgona Positivity Pride from years of dealing with the lack of women of color representation in the eating disorder awareness community. Like the womxn of color that came before, she creates spaces for marginalized folks to support each other and heal from the trauma of colonialism, Eurocentric beauty ideals, and disordered eating in communities of color. Gloria’s work has been featured at the Huffington Post, MiTú , Bitch Magazine, and Sonia Renee Taylor’s blog, The Body is not an Apology. She lives in Southern California with her two cats, Pepita and Mister Orange.
This event is free and open to the public.