Bachmeier facilitates Mandan/Hidatsa/Arikara (MHA, Three Affiliated Tribes Nation) traditional pottery-making revival efforts

The Indigenous Media Freedom Alliance invited Professor Brad Bachmeier to help facilitate a pottery workshop June 17-18 at Twin Buttes, ND, on the Fort Berthold Reservation. The workshop followed archeological research and records of traditional forming and firing techniques. Native ND clay from the reservation was dug and processed. Hand-made vessels were produced, decorated and open-pit fired.

Bachmeier joined the Paleo Cultural Research Group from Colorado excavation of Awataxl Village (Sakakawea Village) site near Knife River Indian Villages, Stanton, ND, July 28-31 to deepen understanding of Hidatsa pottery. Among many items, large pottery sherds were discovered and documented that will help serve as examples for the Three Affiliated Tribes pottery tradition revival efforts.

Anthropology and Earth Science faculty Rinita Dalan and George Holley assisted with research materials and connections.