Are We Alone in the Universe?

Kavli Institute Fulldome Lecture presented by MSUM Planetarium Friday, Nov. 3 | 7:30-8:30 p.m. | MSUM Planetarium Presented by Dr. Lisa Kaltenegger, Director, Carl Sagan Institute, Cornell University Thousands of exoplanets have been discovered over the past two decades. In this lecture Dr. Kaltenegger will discuss these discoveries and explore how we can determine which of these exoplanets might be […]

Sky Zone Glow

Saturday, Nov. 4 | 8-10 p.m. | Sky Zone Come join the Dragon Entertainment Group Saturday, Nov. 4 at 8-10 p.m. for a night of jumping of Sky Zone Glow! Bring your friends, you’ll not want to miss a night of jumping, music, and fun! Vans will be leaving the CMU at 7:45 p.m. Get your ticket for only $10 […]

Boston Brass to perform and lead clinic at MSUM

Saturday, Nov. 4 | 3-5 p.m. | Gaede Stage Boston Brass, one of the most famous brass quintets in the world, blows into Moorhead Saturday, Nov. 4, to perform and teach on the MSUM campus. The five musicians appeal to people of all ages and backgrounds through performances of a wide selection of musical styles and genres. They are loved […]

WALKtober winners

Week One – Breanna Thompson, Jena Backes, and Alter McCann Week Two – Cameryn Brill, Jordyn Lamb, and Sami Bitz Week Three – Tomomi nishihara, Lacey Hoppe, and Shelly Heng DO NOT forget your I.D. when picking up your prizes at Hendrix!