Gerontology Program Earns Ranking Among Top 20 Great Value Colleges for Gerontology 2016-2017

MSUM has been identified as a great value college for Gerontology in a recent ranking by Great Value Colleges. Of the approximately 60 bachelor degree programs in Gerontology nationwide, MSUM ranks 19th. MSUM offers the only bachelor degree in Gerontology in a four-state region, including Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. 

The program is interdisciplinary and relies on courses offered in several departments, including Health Services Administration, Paralegal, Philosophy, Psychology, Social Work, and Sociology. In addition, students often double major in Gerontology and Social Work, Health Services Administration, Psychology, or Sociology, among other disciplines, since aging is rapidly growing concern in these fields in particular.

“As the baby boomer generation continues to age, more career opportunities are becoming available for those who wish to work with the elderly population. To prepare these budding professionals, colleges across the country are adding gerontology degrees to their program offerings. Students looking for the right gerontology school should consider tuition costs as well as program features such as internship and research opportunities, academic rigor, and faculty support.” – Great Value Colleges