What’s Happening in Admissions

Each week the Office of Admissions will be sharing a few things happening on campus and in our recruiting territories. We hope to provide a brief look into what’s happening in Admissions. This week the admissions department will be hosting Preview Days!  Preview days are held Oct. 20-22 with sessions held in both the morning and afternoon.  During the sessions, prospective […]

Walktober Winners

Thank you to all who have participated in Walktober week one. Our winners for week one are: Kathyrn Kinney, Adepitan Adeodoyinsoiamaryam, and Cassandra Andress. Please bring your student ID to Hendrix to pick up your prize. 

Theatre Alumni Appear in Minnesota Fringe Festival

For several years, MSUM graduates have appeared in various capacities in The Minnesota Fringe Festival, the largest non-juried festival in the United States, and the third-largest in North America. The festival provides opportunities for aspiring actors, directors and producers to gain exposure and experience.