MSUM’s Fuego Tropical Presents Annual Children’s Shows

Members of MSUM’s World Music and Percussion ensemble “Fuego Tropical” are presenting their annual Learning Bank Children’s Shows this week in Hansen Theatre for approximately 3,000 school children from across the Red River Valley. This exciting 40 minute education presentation highlights music and dance from cultures around the world, including Trinidad, Ghana, Brazil, and the Middle East. 

Dragons in the News

Immigration is a wash on wages, but an overall boost for economy, MSUM professor says, InForum: “Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made immigration a hot topic for the Nov. 8 election with his claims that Mexican illegal immigrants were criminals and ‘rapists’ and that they are stealing Americans’ jobs. But those claims don’t hold up—for the most part—says Oscar Flores, a […]

Combined Charities Campaign in Progress

The State Employees’ Combined Charities Campaign is now in progress. There are 37 approved charitable federations to choose from in this year’s Campaign representing hundreds of charities working in communities across Minnesota. Many of these federations allow you to designate your gift to a specific charity or nonprofit group.