NSSLHA, helping Santa and making an impact!

The allusive Murray Hall… what goes on there?

Are there classes in there? Who even spends time there?

NSSLHA at the Homecoming Parade

Well its the Speech Language and Hearing Sciences program of course! SLHS is a large program on our campus and the national student organization for this program, NSSLHA, is very active at MSUM!!

Highway Cleanup!
Two NSSLHA members work the Holiday Lights booth

There’s about 50 active members and NSSLHA president, Eliza Aul, filled me in on all the different contributions these students make in the community.



The Dorthy Day House and Adopt A Highway are consistent ways NSSLHA volunteers around town. But this holiday season NSSLHA helped at Lindenwood Park by working the ticket booth for the holiday lights display that gets put up annually!

They also got to play Santas’ helpers by participating in Signing Santa at Trollwood; a program for the deaf community in Fargo Moorhead, children get to speak to Santa in their own way, using ASL!! NSSLHA helped by putting together hand decorated goodie bags for the children that would come to see Santa.

The !Signing Santa” volunteers!

Not only does NSSLHA help out locally but this year they raised $1,400 from a braided bread fundraiser that the group will donate to Operation Smile, a charity for children with cleft pallets. WOW!

Aul continued to explained to me that doing all of these things not only makes a difference in the community but really builds up the community within the major too! NSSLHA is easy to get involved in and encourages students to get active right away as a freshmen in the SLHS program! “We’re like a family” Aul stated with a smile!

NSSLHA will continue their tradition of volunteering but they also want to educate others of speech and hearing health and let their fellow Dragons know that the SLHS program is more than meets the eye! You definitely showed me that NSSLHA, thanks! And stay involved!!