Student Orgs. Galore!

IMG_4764DragonFest has come and gone and it was a whirlwind of food, music, prizes, activities, community businesses, and of course several STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS!

DragonFest is like the sequel to our annual Sidewalk Cafe, Student Organizations are still trying to get the word about what they do and when they meet and DragonFest is geared to do just that! Walking around you can get information from just about any organization you can imagine. This post will feature just a few that I personally found interesting but please hear me when I say this is just a fraction of the opportunities!

Feeling like you wanna get ACTIVE? Two groups to put on the top of your list should be Intramurals and the Dragon Rock Climbing Club

Intr+RockMaybe you feel like you need to practice public speaking skills, these are the people to get involved with! Collegiate DECA and Communicators in Action

DECA+CIAIf that’s not up your alley but you still wanna meet people, MSUM fortunately has a very diverse crowd! Check out Japan Club or Spanish Club in order to learn about a new culture or practice language skills!!


And maybe you’re a student already dedicated to you specific program, well you’re in luck, there’s usually a club for your major!! Like Psyc. Club, Bio-sciences Club, and Student Council for Exceptional Children.  All are great and would add to a resume!

Clubs4MajorNow I know I just through a ton of options at you and that didn’t even include our Greek life or faith based organizations or leadership experience opportunities!! To get a full list of organizations and information on how to get involved you can check out the OSA website! And remember, whatever you choose is WONDERFUL as long as you’re getting active, connected, and involved!