Welcome Week Success!!

Think back to your first week at MSUM, or even the first day of a new semester? What are some of the words or thoughts that come to mind?






Well don’t worry, you’re not alone! This past Wednesday the incoming class of new Dragons moved in to begin the school year and a new chapter of their lives: College at MSUM! And we wanted to make them feel as welcomed as possible, so the whole rest of the week was planned out just for them!IMG_20150821_084536_187

The week involved:

  • time with your SOC group
  • a social at Scheels Field
  • a Convocation Ceremony,
  • the first AfterDark of the year
  • the annual Sidewalk Cafe
  • the Campus Capers show
  • and much MUCH more
A random dance party broke out at AfterDark
Tug-of-War at the Scheels Field Social
New Dragons: Akira, Emily, Marisa, and Carson

I had the privilege of meeting several members of the incoming class and to sum it up, the new students are looking at MSUM as a new opportunity to be an involved student, a fresh start, and overall, many expressed feelings of excitement about meeting new people and starting classes…. maybe some nervousness too 🙂


The week ended with the lighting of the Dragon, an amazing sight to see and the perfect way to mark the beginning of a new academic year!DragonFlame

That’s a wrap on Welcome Week, the semester has officially begun!! There will be a lot of opportunities coming up to get active, get connected, and get involved so be on the look out Dragons! Lets make this semester one to remember!