TEDxFargo: Relive the moments

Thank you to everyone who attended TEDxFargo 2015 and showed their Dragon Pride! If you missed the event or would like to relive some of the moments, click here: https://www.emergingprairie.com/tedxfargo-2015-rocks-house-raises-bar/ Social media posts were captured throughout the day, as well: https://storify.com/TEDxFargo/tedxfargo-2015 You can search on Twitter by using #TEDxFargo.

Be included in the Fall 2015 event calendar

Do you want to know what is happening on campus this fall? Are you planning an event and want to make sure there aren’t other events happening? Well, you are in luck! Many folks representing multiple areas and departments on campus have come together to create a Fall 2015 event calendar. The calendar can be found at www.mnstate.edu/osa

Meet The Red Bandana Guy

You may have seen Ryan Bennek around campus before. You know, that one guy that wears the red bandana all the time? Well, in case you still don’t know who I’m talking about, Ryan does wear a red bandana a lot around campus to showcase his Dragon Pride. Additionally, he will also be showing his Dragon Pride this year by […]

Dates for 2015/16 Campus Preview Days announced

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions is pleased to announce the dates for the 2015/16 Campus Preview Days. These events are a great opportunity for our prospective students to see the campus and visit with all academic and support departments available to them. We appreciate your continued support in making these events so successful.