Open Forum for Provost candidate, Dr. Michelle Malott, Monday

Open Forum for Provost candidate, Dr. Michelle Malott, will be Monday, April 13, @ 3:00 PM in CB 109.

Dr. Michelle Malott is currently the Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Minnesota State University Moorhead. Dr. Malott served on the faculty in the Biosciences Department from 2001-2009 and was department chairperson from 2006-2009. She served as Dean of the College of Social and Natural Sciences from 2009-2013 and the Dean of the College of Science, Health, and the Environment from 2013-2014. From 2000-2001, Dr. Malott was a visiting assistant professor at the University of Central Arkansas. Dr. Malott has participated in strategic planning, budget planning, and strategic enrollment management committees (among many others) at MSUM. Her undergraduate degree is in Biology from University of Windsor and she earned a Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from Wright State University.