Tomorrow is the Volunteer & Service Fair

Tomorrow is the Volunteer & Service Fair! We will have 45 community organizations in the CMU Ballroom from 11am to 2pm for you to learn about and hopefully volunteer with. Plus, many of the organizations also have internship and job opportunities – so bring your resume along too! We have a great mix of organizations from around the area, so if you’re looking for opportunities to work with animals, children, young people, people with differing abilities, the environment or just about anything, we’ll have organizations for you to connect with. Volunteering is just one of the many ways you can get active, connected and involved at MSUM – so grab a few friends and join us at the Volunteer & Service Fair in the CMU Ballroom tomorrow from 11am to 2pm.

To learn more about some organizations that will be at the fair, read the highlights on our blog!
