School Psychology Students Attend and Present at National Conference

Seven School Psychology graduate students and faculty member, Peg Potter, recently attended the annual conference of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) in Orlando, Florida. Second year graduate student Sean Soehren did a verbal presentation of his Master’s project: “Evidence-based Compilation Intervention Designed to Increase Classroom Compliance” while third year student Matt Steinborn did a poster presentation based on his Master’s thesis: “An Observation System for Use With the Nurtured Heart Approach.” The students and the Program are grateful for the financial support of the Student Activities Board which facilitated this experience.

MSUM School Psychology Program alum Kirsten Westergard Newell, now in the doctoral program in School Psychology at the University of Minnesota, did two verbal and one poster presentation based on her research at the U. Alums Terese Schaefer and Sarah How attended NASP governance meetings as the North Dakota state delegate and North Dakota Association of School Psychologists president, respectively.