Award-winning African American poet, Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie returns to MSUM Feb. 12

Award-winning African American poet, Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie returns to MSUM to present a poetry reading in CMU 101 on Thursday, Feb. 12 at 7 pm. Afterward, she will sign the book of her first collection of poetry, Karma’s Footsteps, released by Flipped Eye Publishing in September 2011. Her book Dear Continuum: Letters to a Poet Crafting Liberation is forthcoming in spring 2015.

She is the Poetry Editor of the literary magazine African Voices. Her work focuses on women, race, ancestry, violence and the healing power of art and has been published in North American Review, WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly, Black Renaissance Noire, VIDA, Crab Orchard Review, BOMB, Paris/Atlantic, and Listen Up! (One World Ballantine).She was also featured on The Missouri Review Soundbooth as a runner-up in their 2014 audio poetry contest.

She has taught literature and composition at York College and Medgar Evers College in New York City. Her work “Strut,” a collaboration with a photographer, deals with body-image, self-acceptance, and investigates the role of capitalism in women’s issues about their appearances. Excerpts from the the series will be published in Hysteria magazine.

If you are interested in joining her for lunch on Thursday between 12 & 1 pm, there are limited spaces. Contact Jen Seviour at the Women’s Center, MA 154 for more information.

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