Operation Christmas Child Packing Party

Come pack Christmas gifts for children all around the world at the Operation Christmas Child Packing Night. This may be the only gift these children receive all year. We will drive to a store to buy Christmas presents for the boxes, and then come back to the CMU to pack them. If you have questions, please contact maahsju@mnstate.edu. Meet at […]

Presidential Search Advisory Committee Meets

The process of selecting a successor to Pres. Edna Mora Szymanski took an important step forward when the Presidential Search Advisory Committee held its initial meeting Thursday, Nov. 7.  The committee is chaired by Bemidji State University President Richard A. Hanson. The committee received its charge from MnSCU Chancellor Steven Rosenstone who asked committee members to forward a slate of […]

Michael Krajewski presented at ATMI and CMS national conference

Dr. Michael J. Krajewski, Music, presented a lecture/demonstration at the national Association of Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI) and College Music Society (CMS) conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts in October 2013. His lecture titled “Developing Interactive Course Material” received rave reviews. In addition Krajewski chaired a session at the conference titled “Big Sound, Small Devices.”

Travel to Tanzania by taking Anthropology 390

ANTH 390: Tanzanian Society and Culture is a Spring 2014 course that offers MSUM students the opportunity to travel to Tanzania with Anthropology Professor Dr. Bruce Roberts. The course is offered for 3 credits and is open to students of all majors. It will include weekly classes beginning in March followed by a 3 week study tour of Tanzania in […]