Hear about National Student Exchange from students who participated last spring

During Spring 2013, five School of Teaching & Learning students were in Hawaii with the National Student Exchange program. Please come hear about their adventures, memories, and learning’s from their Island experiences. We will meet in the lower level of Lommen Hall, NE side, room 003, on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013, 4– 5. Come with questions. Please know that all students and faculty are welcome.

The five students are Ceanna Egan (Early Childhood Ed major), Samantha Hauser (Elementary Inclusive Education major), Cassie Weatherly (SLHS major), Jenna Van Dyke (PE major) and Abbi Winter (Chemistry Education major). These students were 5 of 40 students accepted to participate in the National Student Exchange program this past academic year.

For more information about the National Student Exchange program, please contact Sherry Estrem in the Office of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management, Owens 206.