Spring River Forecast

The most recent flood forecast for the Red River basin is triggering a series of regional preparations, but Moorhead officials say the city is in a good position due to $80 million worth of flood protection projects. On March 21, 2013, the National Weather Service projected a 50% chance that the Red River will reach 38.1 feet. The MSUM campus is on high ground and would not need extensive protection efforts unless the river reaches 42 feet. 

On-campus planning efforts have been initiated including reviewing flood response plans, infrastructure protection needs, previous volunteer organizational efforts, and ensuring the ability of the faculty and students to complete the term using alternate means.

A webpage will be created on the university website to share information from various sources, including the City of Moorhead. The attached city status report was issued March 21. Future reports will be posted to the new MSUM webpage.

2013 02 21 preliminary flood forecast

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