Sociology and Criminal Justice students present research today

Today, 34 students from the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice will present research posters in CMU Ballroom A/B from 1:45 to 2:45 p.m. and 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. These posters represent research that students completed in SOC 351: Quantitative Methods.

Members of the campus community are encouraged to attend and provide feedback to students on their research. Listed below are presenters’ names and project titles.

Alexandra Estenson “Greek Life: Fraternity and Sorority Alcohol Use”
Allie Edmonds “Violence in Adolescent Dating Relationships”
Angela Salberg “Influences on College Alcohol Use”
Anthony Tucker “Gang Violence in Inner Cities”
Brandon Dockter “Police Profiling and Public Concern”
Brandy Larson “Face-to-Face Contact and Police Perception”
Brittney Hanson “Correlation Between Alcohol, Risky Sexual Behavior, and Gender in College Students”
Bryan Porath “Sex Offender Recidivism”
Carin Nielson “Influences and Effects of Social Media”
Christine Stepka “Parenting Style and Juvenile Delinquency”
Deb Frank “Gender, Mental Illnesses, and Crime Rates in the United States, 2004”
Emily Gobernatz “Juvenile Delinquency and Recidivism”
Jason Carriveau “Cheers to College”
Jason Margerum “Influential Factors Among College Students and Alcohol Consumption”
Jenna Forbord “Juvenile Gangs”
Jennifer Knecht “Gender Stereotyping and Voter Preferences”
Julianna Casey “The Effects of Religion on Alcohol and Substance Use”
Kabina Chaulagain “Alcohol consumption based on religion and religiosity”
Kristen Flaig “Juvenile Drug Use and Crime”
Kristi Aldana “The Relationship between Victimization and Delinquency”
Lacey Petersen “Effects of Binge Drinking”
Mara Wessel “Parental and Outside Influences on Delinquency”
Matt Hanson “College Alcohol Drinking”
Mitchell Gresham “Analyzing Adolescent Crime and The Quality of their Neighborhood”
Ryan Hardtke “Binge Drinking Effects on College Students”
Sam Weiler “The Effects of School Security on School Violence”
Scarlett Rudlang “Crime and Delinquency in Schools”
Sharla Richter “School Violence”
Shawn Marlowe “Prison-based Chemical Dependent Treatment “
Taylor Savageau “Juveniles and Drug Use”
TJ Womack “The life of a convict with or without the bars”
Tyler Steinwand “Drug Abuse Correlates”
Tyler Wedin “The Cost of Long-Term Care for the Chronically ill and Disabled”
Zachary Toliver “Ghana’s Adolescent youth and their knowledge/reasoning behind sex”