National healthcare symposium at MSUM April 28-29

MSUM students and faculty members are encouraged to submit their work and benefit from networking at this locally organized symposium. School of Business at MSUM will host and organize the 2nd Symposium on Healthcare Advancements in Research & Practice (SHARP 2.0) on April 28-29, 2011 (Moorhead, Minnesota) in collaboration with Oklahoma State University and Mayo Clinic. This symposium intends to […]

Online Institute topic of upcoming open forums

Faculty are invited to one of three open forums focusing on a proposed MSUM Online Institute. There will be two open forums on Wednesday, March 23 from 10-11 a.m. and from 4-5 p.m. in CMU 205,  and one on Tuesday, March 29 from 1:30-2:30 p.m., also in CMU 205. Faculty are encouraged to participate in this discussion on the creation […]

APAC minutes approved

President Szymanski has approved the following APAC recommendation as reported in the minutes of: January 18, 2011 Meeting February 1, 2011 Meeting (with the exception of the Final Exam Policy) February 15, 2011 March 1, 2011 A copy of the Office Notice and the minutes of each meeting are posted at the Academic Affairs website.

Student Organization Leader of the Month Award

The Student Organization Advisory Committee is pleased to present Mikayla Daub with the March Student Organization Leader of the Month Award. She was nominated for her commitment and efforts toward Dragons Entertainment. Mikayla is an inspirational leader who has gained the confidence of her fellow members. Besides being the Advertising Coordinator, she is involved in numerous other roles. She is […]