Theatre Arts Student Selected for BADA

  MSU Moorhead Theatre Arts major Caroline Stommes has been selected to participate in the highly selective summer program with the British American Drama Academy (BADA).  BADA was founded in 1983 to enable students from across the world to study classical theatre with leading actors and directors of the British and American theatre, and its programs are based on its […]

Norma Andersen named to ACCE Board of Trustees

Norma Andersen, Construction Management, has been named as the American Institute of Constructors (AIC) trustee on the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE) Board of Trustees. This is Andersen’s second appointment to the board; the first time she was appointed she became the first woman to be named an educator trustee. She has been involved with both ACCE and AIC since 1992. AIC is the […]

Library’s Honoring Faculty Program rescheduled March 30

The Library’s Honoring Faculty Program is rescheduled for Wednesday, March 30 @12:30 p.m. in the Library Circulation Area. The ninth annual Library program honors 2010 promoted/tenured faculty by giving them the opportunity to select a book with special meaning to be added to the library’s collection. Those choosing to participate will discuss the reasons why the book had an impact […]

Student Academic Conference poster information

Students presenting at the Student Academic Conference need posters! Please inform your students to check the Helpful Hints for Presenters page for information on poster printing guidelines, updates and templates for posters. It is preferred that students submit posters 3 weeks prior to the conference (March 29th is 3 weeks prior to April 19th) to avoid the rush.

Faculty—requesting your summer 2011 course shells

Please follow the steps below to request your D2L or Moodle courses for the Summer 2011 session. Remember, ALL faculty need to follow the steps below if they plan to use Desire2Learn or Moodle for their Summer 2011 courses. Please remember to allow UP TO 5 business DAYS for your course to be created. ALL USERS:  You can now use […]