Celebration of Nations April 9

Celebration of Nations * Saturday, April 9 * Comstock Memorial Union Ballroom
* Children’s World (K-12 Students Only): 4 to 6 pm * Opening Ceremony: 6:30 to 9:30 pm Celebration of Nations is an annual event at MSUM in which international students set up booths to display art, clothing and information about their countries. The students also cook traditional foods to […]

Foster parents needed

Could you be a foster parent or know someone who might be interested? MSUM Office of Diversity and Inclusion and Clay County Social Services will host an information meeting Thursday, March 31 from 5 to 7 p.m. in MSUM’s Comstock Memorial Union room 227. An open house begins at 5 p.m. with a panel session starting at 5:30 p.m. The […]

ROC Game Night

Bored? Come hang out at the Recreation and Outing Center at the Comstock Memorial Union on Thursday, March 31 @ 7 p.m. We will have free pool and ping pong during this event as well as air hockey, foosball, board games, chess, and more. Free food and drinks while they last.

Olgun Sahin presents paper at finance conference

Olgun Fuat Sahin, Finance, School of Business, presented the paper “Non-traded REITs” at the Academy of Finance Conference in Chicago March 25. Abstract In this paper, I examine the differences between non-traded and traded REITs by using available financial data. I also attempt to quantify the effects of non-listing on REIT valuation. I find that many dimensions of non-traded and trades […]