Library resources to help continuity of instruction during flooding

The following are a few library resources that may be helpful when preparing t provide continuity of instruction during the potential spring flood.

The advantage of using e-reserves is that your students can access your course reserves materials 24/7 from virtually anywhere and multiple students can access the materials at the same time. The advantage to you is that the library will scan and process your course reserves materials and make them available to your students through our Docutek e-reserves system. Read more.

Linking Directly to Journal Articles
It’s possible to link directly to many electronic journal articles, making it easy for students to easily access full-text material from off campus (with barcode and password). Instructions on linking are located here.

Subject specific Libguides are available for many disciplines. We can also create course-specific guides tailored to assiststudents with research papers and assignments.

A generic continuity of instruction Libguide is available here.

Chat Reference
A chat reference widget is available on our webpage or you could link to this page.

Please contact Travis Dolence ( if you have any questions.

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