MLK Dedication Program 2011

Keynote will be at 7pm, January 18th, 2011
Location is in the CMU Ballroom

Theme of Keynote: Understanding what Dr. King stands for: Fulfilling your role in society
Free event open to all MSUM students and public

*This will also be the kick-off to a month long service challenge for student groups to impact their community-
*Time frame: Jan 18th-Feb18th, complete details at program
*Change agents with highest hours will be rewarded

Description of speaker: As an award-winning author and speaker, Hasani Pettiford has an appeal that transcends barriers of age, culture and occupation. For over a decade Mr. Pettiford has been a recognized authority on human sexuality, interpersonal relationships and personal growth and development. Hasani has directly impacted the lives of many nationwide with his best-selling books and speaking engagements.

“Hasani Pettiford is an anointed, dynamic and innovative speaker who motivates ordinary people to do extraordinary things. He unleashes the power of possibilities that lay dormant in many of us.” -Queen Latifah

“Hasani Pettiford has a golden throat and a silver tongue… He is a both brilliant and bright at the same time… Every time I meet him, I am stunned by his eloquence and taken by his brilliant mind…” -Michael Eric Dyson PhD