‘Tis the Season…. to start preparing for the Council on Staff Affairs Holiday Social

Wednesday, December 9, 9:00-11:00 AM, CA Gallery Lobby

Please start thinking about what you could donate to our Silent Auction. Perennial favorites include holiday decorations, craft items, artwork, sports equipment, household items, tickets to fine arts productions and sporting events, and more.

AND, we’re trying something new this year. In addition to offering items for bid, we are also offering SERVICES!

Below are some ideas. And if you have a special talent or interest that is not on this list, please let us know.

* Dog-sitting

* Dog-walking

* House-sitting

* Baby-sitting

* Knitting lesson(s)

* Crochet lesson(s)

* Quilting lesson(s)

* Embroidery lesson(s)

* Cooking lesson(s) – krumkake, lefse, rosettes, cake-decorating, any meal that is your specialty

* Special dinner delivered to your home – or prepared in your home

* Canning lesson(s)

* Piano lesson(s)

* Guitar lesson(s)

* Dance lesson(s)

* Golf lesson(s)

* Table-setting & napkin-folding techniques lesson

* Drying/pressing flowers lesson

* Flower pounding lesson

* Paper making lesson

* Scrapbooking (service or lesson)

* Calligraphy (service or lesson)

* Scherenschnitte lesson(s)

* Origami lesson (s)

* Hardanger or other needle-craft lesson(s)

* Lawn-mowing

* Lawn-raking

* House plant repotting

* Flower arranging

* Growing windowsill herbs

* Gutter cleaning

* Putting up your exterior Christmas lights on your house

* Taking down and packing your exterior Christmas lights

* Grocery shopping (for you or with you)

* Personal shopping assistance, including ride (nice gift for an elderly parent?)

* Car wash and vacuum

* Oil change

* Garden tilling

* Use of a lake cabin for a weekend

* Personal organizing – help you organize one room in your home, your garage, etc.

* Pottery lesson(s)

* Painting lesson(s)

* Digital photo shoot – family or individual portrait — and CD of photos

* Lunch with….. Edna? Other?

* Singing telegram (on campus)

* Jewelry-making lesson(s)

* Massage

* Reiki

* Angel card reading

* T’ai Chi lesson(s)

* Reflexology

* Hair braiding

* Manicure

* Pedicure

* Foot massage

* Picture framing (service or lesson)

* Window washing

* And more….!

To talk about donating a service, please call, email, or visit Judy Mrosla soon—(218) 477-5837, mrosla@mnstate.edu, or stop in to see her at Continuing Studies, in the blue house west of 11th Street.

Drop-off locations for donated items are: Business Office – OW 106; Women’s Studies – MA 175; Physics – HA 307; Athletics – NZ 134; Student Support Services – CMU 222

All proceeds go toward the CSA Scholarship Fund. Thank you for your support of the Council on Staff Affairs.

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