MSUM Recognizes Outstanding Mathematics Seniors

MSUM’s Mathematics Department has recognized several senior students for their outstanding academic achievements. Selection criteria include mathematics GPA, overall GPA, performance in difficult mathematics courses, and the results of the ETS Major Field Test in Mathematics. In addition to recognition by the faculty, the students will receive membership in The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Students receiving Outstanding Senior Awards are: Amy Rogness, Katie Jo Larson, Hannah Altmann, David Mathisen and Erin Olson. In addition to the Outstanding Senior Award, Mathisen and Olsen were selected to receive the 2009 Bill Ritchie Award for Excellence in Mathematics, which includes a $500 scholarship and membership in the Mathematical Association of America. Kathryn Bergee has been awarded the $750 James T. Wallen Scholarship.

More information about the students follows.

Amy Rogness, Astoria, S.D., tutored in the Mathematics Learning Center and was involved in Campus Crusade for Christ. She played women’s basketball and was a statistician for the Athletics Department sports information director. Amy hopes to teach in the Fargo-Moorhead area and continue her work at Triumph Church. She is the daughter of Bert and Verna Rogness.

Katie Jo Larson, Osakis, was active in Campus Crusade for Christ, and worked at Triumph Lutheran Brethren Church and at the MSUM Parking Office. She plans to continue her work at Triumph and to teach in a local school district. She is the daughter of Sheldon and Julie Larson.  

Hannah Altmann, Perham, is a 2005 graduate of Perham High School. While at MSUM Hannah tutored in the Mathematics Learning Center and served as Math Club president. She plans to attend graduate school. She is the daughter of Linda Embola and Jason Altmann.   

David Mathisen, Fargo, recently completed a research paper on permutation statistics with Assistant Professor Adam Goyt. David has been accepted at NDSU to work on an advanced degree in applied statistics. He is the son of Sue Guttormson and Mark Mathisen.

Erin Olson, Moorhead, tutored for the Mathematics Department and plans to attend graduate school to pursue a doctorate in mathematics. She is the daughter of Roger and Nyla Olson and the late Marlene Olson. 

In addition to the Outstanding Senior Award, Mathisen and Olsen were selected to receive the 2009 Bill Ritchie Award for Excellence in Mathematics, which includes a $500 scholarship and membership in the Mathematical Association of America. Ritchie was a former professor of mathematics and upon his death in 1987 a scholarship in his honor was established.

Kathryn Bergee has been awarded the James T. Wallen Scholarship. A 2006 graduate of Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School, she is the daughter of Rahn and Elana Burgee, Dilworth. The $750 scholarship is based on performance in advanced mathematics courses and an overall grade point average. The Wallen Scholarship is given to junior mathematics majors and is named after Jim Wallen, who was a member of the department for 30 years. Bergee has been secretary of the Math Club, a peer advisor in the residence halls, math peer advisor for Dragon Days and a mathematics department tutor. She has participated in a Mathematical Association of America competition and the Putnam Exam competition and conducted research on human development index and math placement.