TCU NEW Leadership Institute June 5-9

The Tri-College NEW (National Education for Women’s) Leadership Development Institute will be held June 5-9, 2010 at Minnesota State University Moorhead. The intensive five-day residential program is designed to provide leadership training, inspiration, and support for women who do not have extensive leadership experience. There is particular emphasis on recruiting women from groups that have typically been underrepresented voices in the political process. Click headline for more information.

Level II Anti-Racism Training Opportunity at MSUM

The MSUM TOCAR Initiative, (Training Our Campuses Against Racism) is sponsoring a two-and-half-day in-depth Anti-Racism Training to be held on the MSUM campus March 4-6. This training will engage participants in discussions of: definitions of racism, particularly understanding institutional and systemic racism; disadvantage, power, and privilege issues related to racism; anti-racist/multicultural organizational development; and strategies to promote organizational development and change. Click headline for more information.

Level II Anti-Racism Training Opportunity at MSUM

The MSUM TOCAR Initiative, (Training Our Campuses Against Racism) is sponsoring a two-and-half-day in-depth Anti-Racism Training to be held on the MSUM campus. This training will engage participants in discussions of: Definitions of racism, particularly understanding institutional and systemic racism, Disadvantage, power, and privilege issues related to racism, Anti-racist/multicultural organizational development, and Strategies to promote organizational development and change. Click headline for more information.