Student Academic Conference Tuesday

The 15th Annual Student Academic Conference is Tuesday, April 16th. Student presentations are from 9:30-10:50 a.m., 1-2:20 p.m. and 2:30-3:50 p.m. and open to all. The luncheon (11 a.m.-1 p.m.) for presenters and faculty is an opportunity to welcome back keynote speaker and original conference co-organizer Ryan Sylvester.

University Physics Competition was top performing team from the U.S.

MSUM’s University Physics Competition team earned MSUM a bronze medal, and was the top preforming team from the U.S. for the problem they selected, notably defeating NDSU, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Upperclassmen Meredith McLinn, Pragalav Karki and Shouvik Bhattacharya modeled the effect an Earth-like planet’s mass has on its volcanic activity. To learn […]

Bioscience students publish their research in international peer-reviewed journal

Bioscience graduates Cory Sailer and Sonny Radenic, both 2011, and Bioscience student Randy Sutrisno received final acceptance for publication for their research paper entitled “Maternal effects and exploratory-boldness behavioural syndrome in zebrafish.” The research was supervised by Brian Wisenden. Thus far, 62 undergraduates have co-authored peer-reviewed research papers with Wisenden.

Pam McGee’s research submitted as a “Best Conference Proceeding Paper”

Pam McGee’s (Operations Management) joint research with Drs. Mark Doggett and Sophia Scott on “Toward a Technology Management Core: Defining What the Technology Manager Needs to Know” has been accepted after peer review as an ATMAE 2011 Conference Proceedings Paper. The paper was ranked as the top paper in the Management track and will now be submitted to the “Best Conference […]