Workday Questions and Answers – April 23, 2024

If I am a professor and not a manager, do I need to do anything with Workday? Workday is not just for managers. Beginning July 1, all MSUM employees will use Workday for things like: What do I need to do? Complete Workday training. On Friday, April 19, you should have received an email from that included your Individualized […]

Workday Training Plans have been assigned; that means you!

All Minnesota State employees have been provided a link to the Individual Training Plan spreadsheet and directed to follow the instructions to pull up their assigned training schedule.  Workday Training Communication Plan   Since March 11, the OCM Team has delivered four (4) training communications designed to reach all future Workday users using a distribution list containing all Minnesota State employees. […]

Final Passports to Workday, Passport #7 and #8

Workday Training Program, Passport #7 | Workday Training Program, Passport #8 Passport #7 covers logging in, notifications, tasks, personalizing your homepage, and more. Passport #8 will guide you on how to keep Workday operating smoothly and identifies help tools, such as self-service, the Minnesota State Connect site, and the Workday Help system. All eight stamps in the Passport to Workday are now available!    […]

Passport to Workday, Passport #6

Workday Training Program, Passport #6 Workday will be implemented in a phased approach. The first phase will bring on human capital management and finance functionality. Future implementations will include student functionality. Passport #6 provides an outline how both Workday and ISRS will work together as all functionality transitions to Workday over time. View all of the Passport to Workday materials online. […]

Workday Individual Training Plans are now available

If your training plan includes instructor-led courses, you must first complete your computer-based courses no later than April 28. View your required Workday Training Plan today! Access your plan by opening the Individual Training Plan spreadsheet, and follow the instructions to pull up your assigned training schedule. It’s important to view your individual training plan now, as it may have changed following the […]