Giving Hearts Day raises $47,675 for MSUM

Alumni and friends of MSUM came together to raise nearly $50,000 for MSUM in just 24 hours. Gifts collected on Thursday totaled $22,675. Combined with the $25,000 matching gift, all of which was received, that is $47,675 in funds that will support transformative opportunities for students at MSU Moorhead.

Giving Hearts Day is today

Giving Hearts Day is Thursday, Feb. 12, and the MSUM Alumni Foundation is one of 300+ participating charities. Make a gift of $10 or more on Giving Hearts Day, and you can double your impact with $25,000 in matching gift funds.

Be a Giving Heart

Giving Hearts Day is today…Thursday, Feb. 13. Make a gift to the MSUM Alumni Foundation on Giving Hearts and the first $4,000 in gifts will be matched with a gift to the Greatest Needs Fund. To make your Giving Hearts Day gift, go to and select the MSUM Alumni Foundation from the list of charities. You can direct your […]