SAVE THE DATE: Giving Hearts Day is Feb. 8

Giving Hearts Day is fast approaching. The MSUM Foundation’s focus this year is the Student Emergency Assistance Fund and the Greatest Needs Fund. Our goal is to raise $50,000! You can donate early on the MSUM page of the Giving Hearts Day webpage. Giving Hearts Day arose in 2008 as a simple but unique fundraising concept: Around Valentine’s Day, ask […]

Help raise $50,000 for MSUM students this Giving Hearts Day

Giving Hearts Day, a 24-hour fundraising event, is Thursday, Feb. 13. For those of you who just can’t wait, schedule your gift today! Schedule your gift now to transform the lives of MSUM students. The first $25,000 will be matched by generous, anonymous donors with a gift to the MSUM student scholarship fund. That means every gift you give will have […]

Goal exceeded on Giving Hearts Day

Thanks to your giving heart, we exceeded our goal! On February 14, you helped us raise $25,735 online. Thanks to the match from Dakota Medical Foundation/generous donors, we made a total of $51,270 for student scholarships! Thank you for your gifts of support, Dragons, from the top to the bottom of our hearts.