Token Hunt Clue

First clue of February: Back when MSUM was called Moorhead State Teachers College, this man was the athletic director for 18 years. Second clue: Run up these and you’ll fit right in, when you’re in the building that the token is hidden. Final clue: For the hidden token you seek, make sure you check down by your feet.

Token Hunt Clue

First clue of February: Back when MSUM was called Moorhead State Teachers College, this man was the athletic director for 18 years. The winner of January’s token was Vicki Haverkamp. Congratulations Vicki, and have fun spending your $50 at the MSUM bookstore.

Token Hunt Clue

The hunt for the hidden tokens is ready to resume for the new semester. Each token is still worth a $50 gift card to the MSUM Bookstore. January Clue: “A new year and a fresh start. Just like MSUM had when this building was constructed, after Old Main Hall had burned.”