Professor Cecilia Mafla-Bustamante publishes a new article

Cecilia Mafla-Bustamante, Professor of Spanish in the Department of Languages and Cultures, has published the article: “El ritmo de los sueños rotos: Un análisis de la experiencia migratoria en ‘¿Te acuerdas, Ñata?’ de Raúl Pérez Torres.” América: Revista del Grupo América 124 (2013): 135-144. The translation of the first part of the title of this article is “The rhythm of […]

Cecilia Mafla-Bustamante published literary translation

Cecilia Mafla-Bustamante, Professor of Spanish in the Department of Languages and Cultures, has published the following literary translation from Spanish into English: “It’s not Love that Dies” by Lucrecia Maldonado. K1N The Four Americas Rewritten. Issue 3. 2013.04. U of Ottawa. The translation can be found at the links below:

Cecilia Mafla-Bustamante publishes article

Cecilia Mafla-Bustamante, professor of Spanish in the Department of Languages and Cultures, has published the following article: “Efraín Jara Idrovo.” Literatura de la República: 1960-2000 (segunda parte) Vol. 8. de Historia de las literaturas del Ecuador. Ed. Alicia Ortega Caicedo. Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional, 2012. Print.