Grand reopening celebration Sept. 12-16

See our newest additions and remodels @ the MSUM Bookstore, Veterans Resource Center, Academic Support Center, Disability Services, Dragon Cafe by Sodexo, and the Career Development Center—September 12-16. Refreshments, prizes, and various activities in each area! Visit all areas and complete the visit punch card to register for 20 Grand Prizes!  

Veterans appreciation Nov. 11

MSUM would like to honor our veterans for their devoted and brave service to our country. Stop by the Veteran’s Resource Center located in Owens 215 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Veteran’s Day, Thursday, November 11 for cookies, cider and camaraderie. Veterans are welcome to pick up a lapel pin at the CMU (main office), the Physical Plant, […]