Trinidad Study Abroad Trip Information Meeting Next Wednesday

Already sick of the thought of being in Fargo/Moorhead in January? Study abroad this winter in Trinidad, the land of calypso, steel bands, and beaches! Jan. 2nd-12th, MSUM is pleased to offer MUS 316 “World Music” (a LASC Area 8 “Global Perspectives” course) in Trinidad. The course will entail visits to museums, steel drum pan yards, lectures, hands-on music making, […]

Janet Haak awarded Fulbright Seminar for U.S. Administrators in International Education to Germany

Janet Haak, Director of Study Abroad, has been awarded a Fulbright Seminar for U.S. Administrators in International Education to Germany. The Seminar will take place in October 2014, and will familiarize U.S. participants with Germany’s higher education system, society, and culture. Participants will also have the opportunity to establish networks of U.S. and international colleagues, and interact with university administrators […]

Applications now being accepted for China Business Trip

China Business Trip: Applications are currently being accepted for the China Business Trip, May 19-June 10. Three credits are available for this course. For an experience that will last a lifetime, travel with us to China, a country that claims a history of 5,000 years. Throughout the journey, we will compare and contrast business in China with business in the […]

National Student Exchange application deadline is Feb. 7

The application deadline for participation in the National Student Exchange (NSE) program for the 2014-15 academic year is Friday, Feb. 7, 2014. If you were considering attending one of the 175 universities available through the exchange program, please stop in the NSE Office in Owens 206 this week for additional information and an application.