Deadline for Study Abroad Applications has been extended

The deadline for turning in applications for MSUM study abroad exchange programs has been extended for one week, to Wednesday, April 6. Students going abroad fall 2016 and spring 2017 need to turn in Part I of the application forms to BR 249 for the following programs: UK Lincoln, Keele, and Portsmouth; all Japan programs, Chung-Ang in Korea, Agder University […]

Trinidad Abroad: Winter, 2017

Thinking about your course load for this coming year? Make plans to knock-out a LASC Goal 8 “Global Studies” course (“World Music Survey”) in TRINIDAD from Dec. 30th-Jan. 9th. Miss only ONE day of classes and experience the culture and music of the Caribbean! Registration deadline: October 1st, 2016. Look for details this coming fall. For more information, watch “MSUM Trinidad […]