Five MSUM film teams participate in National Film Challenge

More than 60 MSU Moorhead Film Studies students participated in the 2009 National Film Challenge Oct. 23-25. A total of five production teams, the most MSUM has ever had, received their assignments at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 23. The teams, which comprised 12-13 students, were given a character, prop, line of dialogue, and a genre and were then given 48 hours to write, shoot, score and edit their seven-minute films for a Sunday evening film screening. Three MSUM teams completed the project within the 48-hour period. Click headline to read more.

MSUM student art exhibit opens Nov. 16

An MSUM student art exhibit will be on display Nov. 16-Dec. 2 in the Roland Dille Center for the Arts gallery. The exhibit is in partial fulfillment of students’ B.S. and B.A. degrees in art. The exhibit will feature ceramics, graphic design, painting, drawing and printmaking. A reception for the artists will be held from 4-6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 19 in the gallery. It’s free and open to the public. Click the headline to see who’s exhibiting.

Sodexo grants available to student organizations

Student organizations have the opportunity to apply for grant funding to be used for Sodexo catering services. If your student organization has an upcoming event, and would like to apply for possible grant funding to cover food expenses, please complete the online submission form at Click the headline to read more.

Students want to get out the Dragon vote

As many of you know, the Moorhead City Council and Mayoral Elections will be held Tuesday, November 3rd from 7AM – 8PM at your respective polling locations. In order for our MSUM campus to have any impact on Moorhead City Council decisions, we need to get the on campus students voting in local government elections. Click the headline to read more.