Math team places 9th at NCS/MAATeam Contest

The MSUM Mathematics Department is pleased to announce that the team Syntax Error placed 9th out of 92 teams that participated in this year’s NCS/MAA
Team Contest. The team consisted of the MSUM students Tony Batesole, Kathryn Bergee, and Haewoong Jeon, and earned a score of 88 out of a possible 100 points. Five teams (14 students) from MSUM participated in the contest. The Team Contest is an annual competition sponsored by the North Central Section of the Mathematical Association of America consisting of 10 challenging math problems. This year’s contest took place on Saturday morning, November 14 and included teams from 29 different institutions. We congratulate all of our students who gave up three hours on a Saturday morning to participate in the competition.

‘Incredible courage’: 18-year-old heroine rescues man from Red River

An 18-year-old college student with average swimming skills and no water-rescue training jumped into the cold Red River this afternoon to try to save a man from drowning. Josie Green, a Minnesota State University Moorhead freshman in graphic com-munications, remained modest about her efforts Friday evening, even as Moorhead law enforcement officers called her “courageous” and “heroic.” Read Tammy Swift’s full story at

AMCS Courses

Two sections of AMCS 233 have been added to the Spring 2010 schedule. AMCS 233 (002461) MWF 8:30am – 9:20am with Professor Yolanda Arauza AMCS 233 (002462) T 5:30pm – 8:00pm with Professor Yolanda Arauza If you have questions, please feel free to contact the AMCS department at 477-2196 or the AMCS department chair, Dr. Phyllis May-Machunda at

American Multicultural Studies Capstone Seminar

AMCS 498: Multicultural Women’s Folklore Mondays & Wednesdays 1:30-2:45 pm Dr. Phyllis May-Machunda This seminar explores ways women of color have expressed their everyday lives, worldviews, interests and identities through oral and material culture traditions. Students will discuss readings focusing on folklore scholarship on the traditions of women of color and will have an opportunity to contribute to this body […]