Earn summer credit studying in Washington

Pacific Northwest Ecology (Bio 308-1) is a TRAVEL course that counts for 3 credits of DC10. Students travel to Washington state and experience alpine, rocky intertidal, beach, mountain and forest habitats, and study native culture in relation to the environment. The course is July 24-Aug. 4. Only 14 seats are available. Register ASAP. Write fuselier@mnstate.edu for more information.

Watch out for Healthier U Mondays

MSUM Wellness Educators and the Wellness Center are promoting Healthier U Mondays. It’s a weekly e-blast to students, faculty and staff that provides information on various health related topics, such as fitness, sun safety, nutrition, stress management and more. Watch out for these wellness tips each Monday, or check out our website and facebook page.

Engage U: R U in?

Students: Do you do service events for your community? Are you actively involved in on-campus activities? Do you volunteer? Are you learning beyond your major with research, language studies, study abroad, or a second major or minor? Do you do all this and wish you would get recognized for your hard work? Engage U exists to recognize and honor those students who serve our community and our campus, and expand their learning beyond their major. Click headline for full story.

Write Site Scheduling System

The Write Site is pleased to announce an online scheduling system. Students may
now visit our website at http://www.mnstate.edu/write to schedule appointments
at the Write Site. Students will be able to choose appointment days and times up
to three weeks in advance. They may also select writing consultants who have
special areas of expertise. Click headline for more information.